The Legend of the Rings is reborn, this time in a unique film show on a gigantic movie screen to the accompaniment of a 250-member symphony orchestra, choir and soloists. More...
Legendary film music composer Hans Zimmer will arrive in Prague on May 7th 2016. Academy Award-winning music composer will perform in O2 arena, accompanied by The Czech National Symphony Orchestra and a choir. More...
Slipknot has officially announced their forthcoming tour that will be making its way to Europe next summer. The GRAMMY Award-winning rock group will embark on the next leg of their remarkably successful “Prepare For Hell” world tour, featuring special guests. Presales are now available and can be found via More...
Spartans won the first duel of the opening round in Champions Hockey League playoffs 3:2. This fact gives them a better position before the second game on the ice of Zurich which is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6th. Spartans went to the lead in the first period thanks to Jan Buchtele, who added a second goal at the beginning of the second period. Canadian defenseman Ryan Glenn then increased the lead to 3:0 with his first goal in the jersey of Sparta. Guests, however, managed to reduce by two goals. More...